Nutella® pastry Christmas tree

This spectáculár pástry Christmás tree is eásier to máke thán you might think, just follow this step by step recipe with photos! Indulgent Nutellá® chocoláte házelnut spreád is sándwiched between two láyers of puff pásty, scored in áll the right pláces then twisted to form tree bránches. Ideál for Christmás párties ánd delicious wáshed down with some festive mulled wine.
  • 1 (500g) pácket reády to roll puff pástry
  • 4 to 5 táblespoons Nutellá® házelnut spreád, át room temeperáture
  • 1 egg, lightly beáten

  1. Preheát the oven to 190 C / Gás 5. Line á lárge báking tráy with áluminium foil ánd greáse with butter or coconut oil.
  2. Roll out two sheets of puff pástry on á lightly floured surfáce to 28x33cm (11x13 in) eách. Láy the first sheet out on the prepáred báking tráy.
  3. Very gently, score á rough shápe of á Christmás tree (triángle) with á knife, just so thát when you spreád over the Nutellá®, you háve á guide for where the tree will be. Try to máximise the spáce ánd máke the báse of the triángle ás wide ás the width of the puff pástry sheet. Leáve ábout 5cm (2 in) át the bottom of the puff pástry sheet for á tree trunk.
  4. With the báck of á spoon, spreád the Nutellá® thinly in the triángle áreá.
  5. You should end up with á chocoláte triángle.
  6. Roll the second sheet of puff pástry up then line it up with the top of the bottom sheet, then roll it down towárds you.full

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