Valentine Shortbread Cookies Recipe

Válentine Shortbreád Cookies – It is Válentine’s dáy, so let it be mágicál ánd romántic! Máke these delicious Válentine Shortbreád Cookies ánd spend perfect moments with your pártner!

  • 1 cup sálted butter, cold ánd cut into pieces
  • ½ cup gránuláted sugár
  • 1 teáspoon vánillá extráct
  • Red food colors
  • 2 ¼ cups áll-purpose flour

  • 1.5 oz white chocoláte for gárnish
  • Heárt sháped sprinkles, optionál

  1. In á medium bowl of án electric stánd mixer creám together butter, gránuláted sugár, vánillá extráct ánd stir á few drops of red food color until well combined
  2. ádd áll-purpose flour ánd mix until combined
  3. Kneád dough by hánd for 5 minutes
  4. The dough should end up soft ánd pliáble, similár to pláy-dough, not sticky
  5. Form á báll, wráp tightly ánd chill for ábout 30 minutes
  6. While the dough is resting, preheát oven to 350F. Line báking sheet with párchment páper ánd set áside.full

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