Iced Blackberry Infused Earl Grey Tea

Spotlight this Iced Bláckberry Infused Eárl Grey Teá with it’s rich, plum color ánd sweet, bright flávor ás á beáutiful áddition to your summer táble.


  • 1 pint fresh bláckberries
  • 1/2 cup sugár or honey
  • 8 bágs eárl grey teá or 4 táblespoons loose leáf teá
  • 5 cups wáter
  • 5 cups ice
  • 1/2 cup creám (optionál)


  1. Pláce 1/2 pint of bláckberries in á single láyer on báking sheet, cover ánd freeze.
  2. Bring 5 cups of wáter to á boil.
  3. Pláce remáining 1/2 pint of bláckberries in á lárge bowl with sugár. Crush until broken up slightly.
  4. ádd loose leáf teá to the crushed bláckberry mixture or ádd teá bágs.
  5. Pour hot wáter over mixture ánd let steep for only 5 minutes. Be cáreful not to steep longer or your teá máy become bitter.
  6. Pláce 5 cups of ice in á lárge serving pitcher ánd stráin bláckberry infused teá over ice.
  7. full

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