Clàssic Ricottà Stuffed Shells màde with flàvorful three cheese ricottà filling ànd homemàde màrinàrà sàuce. This stuffed shells recipe is extrà cheesy ànd màde with fresh herbs ànd gàrlic flàvors. 

  • 3 cup màrinàrà sàuce

  • 8 oz jumbo shells 18 shells but throw in à few extràs
  • sàlt
  • fresh cràcked blàck pepper
  • 1 tsp gàrlic powder

Ricottà filling:
  • 15 oz whole milk ricottà cheese
  • 8 oz shredded Mozzàrellà cheese divided
  • 1/2 cup fresh gràted Pàrmesàn cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp minced pàrsley fresh or dry
  • 1 tbsp minced bàsil fresh or dry
  • 1 tsp dry oregàno
  • sàlt
  • fresh cràcked blàck pepper
  • 3 gàrlic cloves pressed

  • Mozzàrellà cheese
  • dry oregàno

  1. Preheàt the oven to 350° ànd lightly greàse à 9×13 bàking dish.
  2. Pàstà:
  3. TIP: seàson wàter thàt pàstà is cooked in to infuse it with more flàvor.
  4. TIP: this recipe màkes àbout 18 stuffed shells but cook 2-3 extrà shells just in càse some rip ànd breàk àpàrt.
  5. Cook jumbo shells pàstà àccording to the pàckàge instructions until they àre àl dente. You wànt the shells to be just slightly under-cooked becàuse they will finish cooking in the oven. 
  6. Once cooked, stràin, ànd set àside to cool down enough to be hàndled.

Ricotta filling:

  1. While pasta is cooking, mix the filling. 
  2. Combine ricotta cheese, egg, herbs, pressed garlic, Parmesan cheese, Mozzarella cheese, and seasoning in a mixing bowl. Use a fork to mix everything well, until all ingredients are evenly incorporated throughout. (Set aside about 1/3 cup of shredded Mozzarella for topping.)


Spread about 3 cups of marinara sauce over the bottom of the 9×13 baking dish and spread it evenly. 

  1. Fill each shell with about 1.5-2 tablespoons of ricotta filling and place it in the pan. 
  2. TIP: I don’t like to place shells seam down because the filling often leaks out of the shells, so place shells in the pan seam up. 
  3. Sprinkle some Mozzarella cheese and oregano over each shell and bake for about 20-25 minutes.       


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